
FUA in Brazil

Brazil’s population in 2010 was 196 million. About 2 in 5 Brazilian lives in the 40 largest cities.

Data OverviewSummary Statistics
# of cities40Average city population (in millions)2
Year of data2010Average density2033
Average population of base geographic unit686Average population-weighted density11450
Income definitionFraction of national minimum wage per household capita
Lowest category: 0 – 1/8 MW
Highest category: More than 10 times MW
Average income segregation (from 0, lowest, to 100, highest)15.2
# of income categories9Income inequality (80/20 income percentile ratio)5.4
% of population living in central city (5km radius from city hall) 37.8

Brazilian data are from the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística

Income is from the Census household survey and is collected as follows:

Income information is collected for each household in permanent and improvised private households. The total monthly income of the household is divided by the number of household number. Household income per capita is reported as a fraction of the legislated national minimum wage. (data and dictionary available here)

Geographic data are based on the setor censitário.