
FUA in Canada

The population of Canada is 36 million. About half of Canadians live in the 7 largest cities included in the database. Despite a lower share of single-family detached housing than other Anglo-Saxon countries (47% of the housing stock in urban regions), Canadian cities are low density.

Data overviewSummary Statistics
# of cities7Average city population (in millions)2.6
Year of data2016Average density384
Average population of base geographic unit4791Average population-weighted density3338
Income definitionTotal gross annual household income
Lowest category: 1 – 5000
Highest category: 200000 and over
Average income segregation (from 0, lowest, to 100, highest)7.4
# of income categories19Income inequality (80/20 income percentile ratio)3.2
% of population living in central city (5km radius from city hall) 17.8

Canadian data are from Statistics Canada/Statistique Canada

Income is from the 2016 Census Profile and is collected as follows:

‘Total income’ refers to the sum of certain incomes (in cash and, in some circumstances, in kind) of the statistical unit (household) during a specified reference period. (Full description)

Geographic data are based on the Census Tract.