United States


The US population in 2017 was 325 million. About half the population resided in the cities included in the database.

Data overviewSummary statistics
# of cities68 Average city population (in millions)3.9
Year of data2017 (2015-2019 5-year average)Average density373
Average population of base geographic unit1590 Average population-weighted density1998
Income definitionTotal annual household incomeAverage income segregation (from 0, lowest, to 100, highest)11.7
# of income categories16Income inequality (80/20 income percentile ratio)4.7
% of population living in central city (5km radius from city hall) 11

US data are from the US Census Bureau American Community Survey.

Income is from the 2015-2019 5-year vintage and was collected as follows:

This includes the income of the householder and all other individuals 15 years old and over in the household, whether they are related to the householder or not. (Full description)

Geographic data are based on the Census Block Group.